Strategies to get through the summer


As the summer season unfolds, it's the perfect time to set your vision for joy and fulfillment. While many eagerly await this time of year, for those of us navigating infertility, it can also bring the challenge of clinic closures and an unwanted pause in our journeys.

In the pressure to maintain routines and project our best selves, it's easy to feel a sense of losing control over our situation. The worries, stresses, and fears about the future can be overwhelming, especially when faced with the possibility of unexpected questions and social situations that may not feel entirely comfortable.

Below you can discover 4 strategies that can help you reclaim a new energy, a sense of readiness, and recharge to make the most of your year ahead.

Set Your Vision for the Summer

Take a moment to envision how you want to spend your summer, focusing on how you can recharge your energy and ensure it brings you genuine joy and fulfillment.

 •  What gives you energy and joy?

 •  What do you love to do?

 •  Where and with whom do you want to be?

 •  Is there something new you've been wanting to try?

Prioritize Your Well-being

So much of the fertility journey is out of one’s control but you are in control of your summer! Make a conscious decision to do something every day that brings you happiness, energy, or calm. Remember, it’s perfectly okay to say no to activities that don't contribute to your well-being or give you anxiety. You are not responsible for managing others' expectations or happiness. Focus on what truly matters to you and prioritize your own well-being.

Practice Journaling

Set aside some time each day to write down your thoughts and feelings. This isn’t just a diary, but a dedicated journal for reflecting on your summer experiences and your well-being. Putting your thoughts and emotions on paper can be incredibly beneficial. It helps clear your mind, allows you to gain perspective, and can reveal insights on how to manage your feelings and reactions.

Seek Support

This time of the year can often feel isolating, but remember, you are never alone. Surrounding yourself with people who provide comfort, empathy, and a listening ear can be incredibly valuable. Consider connecting with a supportive community on Bumpy, where others understand the unique challenges and emotions that can come with the fertility journey.


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