Write a review

Type the name of the clinic you'd like to review in the search field below.


So why should you write a review?

We’re all about our community and value your contributions and input. Your shared clinic experiences can guide others – things like whether or not a clinic has good communication, superb premises, empathetic staff, offers emotional support and so much more. You’re the truth-teller and when you share the good and the bad your review goes a long way toward helping another fertility patient select their clinic and get one step closer to fulfill their dream of becoming a parent. Paying it forward is always a good thing.

Review a clinic in 3 easy steps



Find the clinic you wish to review, click the ‘Write a review’ button, and begin! Or simply add the name of the clinic in the search field above and click on the clinic.



The next step is to fill in the information about your experience. Here you will give a star rating, select which treatment you did, and share any further thoughts.



The final step is submitting your review! Here, you’ll confirm that your feedback is based on your personal experience before clicking the submit button. It’s that easy!