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on your fertility treatment with Bumpy*
Receive 5% off your fertility treatment when you contact clinics via Bumpy!
We know how difficult it can be to navigate your way through the fertility and IVF jungle. That’s why we help you find and compare verified IVF clinics and providers across Europe based on your unique needs and preferences. We give a simple overview of each clinic including available treatments, prices, success rates, photos, team, reviews and many other valuable facts.
Receive 5% off your fertility treatment with Bumpy!
If you contact fertility clinics via our platform (app or website) and then decide to go ahead with a treatment you can inform Bumpy to get 5% kickback of your treatment cost.*
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Choosing a fertility clinic can be an overwhelming and daunting task as the decision can have such an important impact on your life. Bumpy is here to empower you on the journey to parenthood by providing you with an easy way to find, compare and choose a fertility clinic or provider best suited to you, enhanced with reviews from real people. You can see Bumpy as a Tripadvisor for fertility journeys
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Knowledge base with important fertility topics
Learn about fertility and it’s related topics in Bumpy’s knowledge bank. Here you will read tips, advice and evidence-based knowledge on reproductive health.