What Is Hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows us to examine inside the uterus (the womb) and the parts of the tubes opening into the uterus by using a thin, lighted instrument called a hysteroscope. The hysteroscope is inserted through the vagina to the cervix and into the uterus, providing a direct view of the uterine cavity.
Application areas of Hysteroscopy (When is hysteroscopy recommended?)
Hysteroscopy is mainly used for two purposes: diagnostic and operative (surgical treatment).
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy: Used to investigate and diagnose symptoms or problems within the uterus, such as heavy periods, unusual vagina bleeding, pelvic pain, post-menopause bleeding, recurrent miscarriages, the presence of polyps or fibroids, and difficulty in getting pregnant.
Operative Hysteroscopy: Involves using the hysteroscope to perform specific surgical procedures, such as removing polyps or fibroids, correcting uterine abnormalities, intrauterine adhesions or scar tissues.
How is a hysteroscopy done?
- Hysteroscopy is generally performed in operating room conditions. The patient may be given local anaesthesia or be under general anaesthesia, depending on the nature of the procedure. Office hysteroscopy (diagnostic hysteroscopy) is performed only with local anaesthesia.
- The vagina and cervix are cleaned with an antiseptic solution.
- A hysteroscope (long, thin lighted tube with a camera) inserted through the cervix into the uterus. (Some cramping and discomfort can be experienced as it passes through the cervix)
- A solution is used to expand the uterus, allowing better visualisation.
- The doctor examines the uterine lining and structures, looking for abnormalities.
- If the procedure is purely diagnostic, the doctor may observe and gather information about the condition of the uterus.
- If treatment is needed, small instruments may be passed through the hysteroscope to remove polyps, fibroids, scar tissue or correct abnormalities.
Advantages of Hysteroscopy
Minimally invasive: Hysteroscopy does not require abdominal incisions.
Direct visualisation: Provides a clear view of the uterine cavity, allowing for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
When hysteroscopy can be performed?
Hysteroscopies are done after the period has stopped and before ovulation. This is usually between days 10-14 of your cycle.
When can the patient be discharged?
Patients can usually be discharged 4-6 hours after the procedure.
Recovery Process Following Hysteroscopy
- Recovery is typically quick for diagnostic hysteroscopy; many women can resume normal activities the same day.
- Recovery may take longer for operative hysteroscopy, depending on the procedure. Most women can return to normal activities, including work and exercise, within a few days after the procedure.
Risks of a hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy is generally safe, but like any medical procedure, it carries some risks. These can include infection, bleeding, and injury to the uterus or other organs.
Things to consider after hysteroscopy
You might experience cramping that is similar to period pain and some spotting or bleeding for a few days. This is normal unless it is heavy.
You should avoid having sex for a week or until bleeding has stopped to reduce the risk of infection.
Does the chance of getting pregnant or IVF success rate increase after doing a hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is an important diagnostic and treatment method in the evaluation of infertility. One of the many causes of infertility is intrauterine lesions, polyps, myomas, uterine septum, and intrauterine adhesions. These conditions can be diagnosed and treated by hysteroscopy.
If there has been one or more unsuccessful in vitro fertilisation treatments before, it is crucial to perform hysteroscopy. According to research, more than 50% of women who have had more than one unsuccessful in vitro fertilisation treatment have abnormalities such as adhesions, polyps or uterine septum.
These abnormalities can be treated with hysteroscopy, which may increase the success rate in in vitro fertilisation treatment.

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Cyprus IVF Hospital