Why am I not getting pregnant?
Ten possible reasons
The majority of couples will achieve a pregnancy within a year if they are active trying to conceive. If you have been trying for a year, or six months if you are over 35 and are not getting pregnant it is advisable to contact a fertility specialist as early as you can. The reasons that are hindering your chances of getting pregnant can be numerous and complex.
This article takes a look at ten issues that might be making it difficult for you to get pregnant. (No particular order).
Ovulation disorders
Ovulation problems associated with conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or being overweight can negatively affect the chances of pregnancy. Stress, excessive exercise and even having a low body weight can affect normal ovulation and create difficulties getting pregnant. It is estimated that ovulation problems can account for 25% of all female infertility cases.
Male Related Factors
In roughly a third of couples who have difficulty in getting pregnant, the cause is male related. Medical reasons include a low sperm count, abnormal sperm shape or movement and low testosterone which can affect sperm production. Causes associated with lifestyle choices men make can also contribute to conception difficulties. These can include high alcohol intake, smoking and obesity.
Women are born with a lifetime supply of gametes and as they age that number decreases monthly and so does the quality of her eggs. By mid to late 30s it becomes harder to conceive. The ‘biological clock’ is not restricted to women by the way; it is suggested that men’s fertility begins to decline after 40.
Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue, similar to that found in the womb grows in other places. As well as being extremely painful it is estimated that up to 50% of those with endometriosis will have difficulty getting pregnant.
Your chances of getting pregnant can depend on the way we live our lives and the consequences that arise from this. These can include some of the following that might act independently, or combine with each other to make pregnancy challenging,
- Alcohol and recreational drugs such as marijuana
- Unbalanced dietary intake which includes highly processed foods
- Being overweight
- Being underweight
- Certain prescription drugs including antibiotics and steroids
- Lack of sleep
- Exposure to toxins and chemicals
While its difficult to prove stress alone causes infertility, it can negatively affect your chances of becoming pregnant. Raised stress levels experienced when trying to conceive for instance may lead to anxiety which could in turn affect conception. Stress is also often associated with conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure which can impact on fertility.
The chance of getting pregnant is greater in the days before ovulation than after so intercourse can be timed to increase your chances.
Fibroids or similar growths like Polyps in the uterus can restrict the space available for the fertilized egg and scarring from previous injuries can make pregnancy difficult.
Fallopian tube health
Obstructions in the fallopian tube that could be caused by pelvic infections or endometriosis can make it difficult for sperm to reach the egg and therefore affect the chances of pregnancy.
Unexplained reasons
Probably the most frustrating reason why you might be getting pregnant is when the cause or causes are unknown. Unexplained fertility is estimated to affect up to third of all couples trying to conceive.
Helping you get pregnant
There are a multitude of reasons why you might not be achieving a pregnancy, These reasons may be related to the man or woman and sometimes, as we have discovered the cause is never fully diagnosed. This article identifies ten potential reasons that could be hindering your chances of pregnancy but there are many more. This is why we recommend that you seek advice at the earliest opportunity if you are experiencing difficulties in conceiving.
The team at Tambre are specialists in advanced reproductive medicine. We have been helping individuals and couples to achieve their dreams of parenthood for over 45 years by combining diagnosis and individualized treatments.
Contact the Tambre team today to help identify the reasons why you are having difficulty in getting pregnant and together, let us help plan your future as a parent.

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