Points To Be Considered Before And After Embryo Transfer


The embryo transfer procedure, being the final step in the IVF process, is one of the most important milestones in fertility treatment. After weeks of preparation and hard work, it’s so natural to feel anxious about the outcome and what to do before and after the embryo transfer to increase the chance of achieving pregnancy.

You’re not alone. We are here for you to support you in this process. Please keep on reading for the details.

Points to be considered before embryo transfer

·        On the day of embryo transfer, you need to be with a full bladder. 

·        You should come to the hospital without using your progesterone drug (vaginal suppository).

How is the embryo transfer process done?

- You need to be with a full bladder during embryo transfer process. 

- Due to the full bladder, the angle of the uterus is straightened and the entrance to the uterus becomes easier.

- First, a speculum is inserted into the vagina and the cervix is screened. 

- Then, the cervix is gently wiped with a special solution.

·- At the same time, the uterus is screened by ultrasonography in the abdomen.

- Embryo catheter full of embryo(s) prepared by embryologists is delivered into the uterus by passing through the cervix. Under ultrasonographic observation, embryo(s) is placed in the uterus by IVF specialist.

- The embryo transfer process takes approximately 2-3 minutes. It is a procedure performed without anaesthesia (sedation).

Things to consider after an embryo transfer

- In IVF treatment, resting for 30-45 minutes in the clinic after embryo transfer is sufficient.

- Studies have shown that continuous bed rest after embryo transfer does not increase success rate.

- Our patients from outside Cyprus can travel home on the same day (preferably in the evening of the same day) or one day after the embryo transfer.

- After the embryo transfer, you can return to your daily life after 1-2 days of rest.

- Heavy sports, heavy work, heavy lifting and similar activities should not be done until the pregnancy test is done. There is no need for constant rest during this time. Light housework can be done, showering, car and plane travel is possible. There is no problem with travelling.

- A blood pregnancy test (Beta-HCG) should be performed 12 days after the embryo transfer. (The transfer day is not included in the calculation.)

*For example, your transfer date is January 1st,

*Your pregnancy test (Beta-HCG) day; will be January 13.

- With the 1st pregnancy test;

o   The progesterone blood test must be performed.

o   48 hours after the 1st pregnancy test date, the pregnancy test should be repeated in the same clinic.

- The pregnancy (Beta-HCG) and progesterone blood test results should be forwarded to your patient coordinator and IVF nurses.

- The use of all your medications should be continued without interruption until you have been informed by our team about the pregnancy test result.

- Even if you start to have vaginal bleeding, please perform the pregnancy test on the informed day and let us know the result. It is crucial to evaluate the test result in (diagnosis) , as such bleeding may be due to ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage.

- If the pregnancy test result is positive, meaning that pregnancy has been achieved, all drugs should be used until the first pregnancy ultrasonography is performed. 

- You shouldn’t have sexual intercourse until the twelfth day (12th day) after embryo transfer. Please don’t use any medication other than our doctor prescribed for you. Please inform our medical team beforehand if you need to use any other medication.

- Approximately 10 -12 days after the first pregnancy test, the first ultrasound scan will be performed to hear the baby’s heartbeats. For this reason, you should make an appointment for an ultrasound scan 10-12 days after the first pregnancy test. 

- With this 1st ultrasound examination, it will be possible to see if the baby has a heartbeat and if the pregnancy continues healthily. Multiple or ectopic pregnancy cases and any other issues can also be identified with the 1st ultrasound scan during this early pregnancy stage. 

- If you have complaints such as difficulty breathing, excessive bloating, nausea and vomiting during this period, please inform our medical team

What causes bleeding after IVF treatment?

- Under normal conditions, we expect no bleeding until the day of the pregnancy test, and when pregnancy occurs, the baby’s development continues without bleeding. 

- However, mild vaginal bleeding may rarely be seen, although pregnancy occurs. In this case, we recommend stopping taking aspirin until the bleeding disappears and following up with a few days intervals is essential. Please inform our team in case of any light bleeding.

- In case of miscarriage or implantation failure, bleeding may begin before or immediately after the pregnancy test day and can continue as menstrual bleeding. Please inform our team in case of any bleeding. 

Frequently asked questions about embryo transfers

Do I need to be on an empty stomach before the embryo transfer?

There are no restrictions on nutrition before the transfer. However, you need to be with a full bladder.

How much rest is required after the embryo transfer?

In IVF treatment, the resting for 30-45 minutes after embryo transfer is sufficient. Studies have shown that resting longer in the clinic does not increase the chance of conception.

Do I need to rest continuously after the embryo transfer?

Continuous bed rest after embryo transfer does not increase the chance of success. For this reason, there is no need for constant rest until the pregnancy test is done. However, during this period, heavy sports, heavy work, heavy lifting and similar activities should not be done. After the embryo transfer, you can return to your daily life after 1-2 days of rest. Light housework and non-strenuous daily activities can be done, such as walking, showering, driving and flying. There is no problem with travelling.

Can I take a bath after the transfer?

You can start taking a bath (a warm shower) one  (1) day after the transfer.

Will there be bleeding after the transfer?

In IVF treatment, bleeding is not expected until the pregnancy test day after embryo transfer. However, post-transfer staining may rarely occur.  Sometimes vaginal bleeding may begin before the day of the pregnancy test if the pregnancy has not developed. However, a pregnancy test should be performed even if there is bleeding assometimes bleeding can be seen when the pregnancy develops. In case of any type of bleeding, please get in touch with our team.

How many days does it take for the embryo to attach to the uterus after the transfer?

After the embryo is transferred to the uterus, it begins to attach to the uterus within a few days, and the pregnancy hormone, which we call Beta-HCG, begins to be secreted in the early period. The first sign of pregnancy is this hormone detected in the blood.

When should the pregnancy (Beta-HCG) test be done?

Beta-HCG test should be done 12 days after embryo transfer. (The transfer day is not included in the calculation.)

Why is a progesterone blood test requested after transfer?

There are multiple reasons for requesting a progesterone test. The most important ones,

1.    To assess the risk of miscarriage,

2.    To assess whether the pregnancy is progressing well.

3.    The expected test result is 20 and above. If a lower result is obtained, it is supported with medication. The progesterone test will be asked to repeat after the medication usage period ends.

How many days after a positive pregnancy test result should an ultrasound be done?

An ultrasound control should be performed 10 – 12 days after the first positive pregnancy test date. 

Which drugs should be continued for how long after a positive pregnancy test result?

During this period, the most important drugs;

1.    “Estrofem” should be used until the week when the baby’s heartbeat is heard. (Until the 6th week of pregnancy) After that, it will be gradually decreased and discontinued.  

2.     “Progesterone” (vaginal suppository) usage should be continued until the 12th week of pregnancy. After that, it will be gradually decreased and discontinued. 

*Note: The information of how to decrease the medications ‘gradually’ will be given to you by our medical team. You will also be informed if there is any other medicine you need to use besides these medicines.

Is there a special diet after the embryo transfer?

There is no special diet to be followed after the transfer. But progesterone injections and tablets can reduce bowel movements and cause constipation. For this reason, consuming 1.5 litres of water daily, choosing fibrous foods and taking short walks during the day can help prevent constipation. If canned foods are in your diet, you can replace them with natural foods. Consuming vegetables and fruits in season and organically is recommended.


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Cyprus IVF Hospital
